The RallyMind Blog

Start Your Own Top-down Approach to Channel Marketing

November 8, 2017

Top-down Approach to Channel Marketing

Many brands who sell through retailers, dealers, resellers, and distributors have historically not wanted to get involved with managing websites or any other web presence for their network. Again, that isn't their expertise.

Unfortunately this makes co-op and co-marketing initiatives highly reliant on the Dealers to effectively execute content and materials to push your products lines to their customers.

Dealers are like many business, in that they do not have time to dedicate to organizing their own marketing programs based on a brand's guidelines. Most don't even know how to get started with something like that.

Leverage Marketing Automation

But recently some companies have decided one of the easiest ways to get quick growth is through their own existing channel. They take it upon themselves to organize a top-down approach to handling their channel.

Leveraging new marketing automation technologies like RallyMind, it makes it simple for you to create and keep updated, all of your web marketing materials just using a spreadsheet.

Instead of waiting and pushing each Dealer to create content on their own (bottom-up approach), you can instead provide pre-packaged and brand-approved Landing Pages with your messaging and products to your dealer network. These landing pages can also contain co-branding with the Dealer's logo, branding, and contact information.

Trackable Insights

Each unique Landing Page URL can then be sent over to each individual Dealer for use in their own marketing like Email Marketing Newsletters or Social Media posts.

Channel Marketing Landing Pages

This also gives you full visibility into if and how your dealers are using the materials in their marketing. Full analytics and all leads are attributable to the Dealer and these leads can be sent over directly to the dealer or instead could be pushed into a centralized CRM system through integrations.

Start Simple and then Expand

Once you are starting to see results from the Dealer's marketing initiatives, you could then introduce your own marketing initiatives on top of the Landing Pages. You could offer packaged PCC programs, already set up and ready to go with the co-op fund approval process streamlined. Since these pages are already controlled by you, your channel management team does not need to spend hours or days approving and QAing each dealer's approach to marketing your products.

Landing Page Automation with RallyMind

RallyMind has been powering top-down approaches for leading brands and agencies around the globe. To learn more about RallyMind and get a quick demo, contact us today.